Hi Jim,

You don't mention what your previous version of BIAB was. If it was a couple of versions ago, It's possible that BIAB was running the MME audio driver.

As a test...

1. Please start BIAB

2. Go to "Audio | Audio Drivers/Settings"

3. Select MME as your audio driver -- it's under the dropdown box called "Audio driver type".

4. Exit back to BIAB

5. Restart BIAB

The WAS error will not appear, now.

Now check to see if Audacity works better. I'm guessing that the BIAB error you mention may have impacted on Audacity if BIAB was open at the time you ran Audacity. This doesn't usually happen but, with computers, I've learnt that they work in mysterious ways smile

If you don't do any recording in BIAB, using MME as the audio driver is fine. It's just that it has a huge lag that becomes noticeable when recording audio or MIDI, or playing a MIDI instrument through BIAB.

I always set my driver to MME.

Lastly, it's possible that the problem you are having with Audacity is due to Audacity's settings. That's the next issue though. Try the above first.


Audiophile BIAB 2024