The icon appears on the taskbar (?) Sorry, I am not very computer literate. At the bottom next to all the other open and available stuff. But the program doesn't open.

F:\bb\Data\BootupLog.txt= Log file of bootup times. Paste into Excel for best viewing
LogThis: Start of this: Init Start Init1 [2/8/2020 4:22:20 AM] [ms since LogStart(boot)= 37 ], since last LogThis function = 37
LogThis: Start of this: InitCompleted. bbw.dpr started [2/8/2020 4:22:20 AM] [ms since LogStart(boot)= 230 ], since last LogThis function = 193
LogThis: Start of this: possibly showing splash screen... [2/8/2020 4:22:20 AM] [ms since LogStart(boot)= 231 ], since last LogThis function = 1

BIAB 2021 Audiophile. Windows 10 64bit. Songwriter, lyricist, composer(?) loving all styles. Some pre-BIAB music from Farfetched Tangmo Band's first CD.