Originally Posted By: rsdean

This tune is so smooth and has such an infectious groove...

You have a great ear for music and I look forward to hearing whatever you post.

Loved it!


Hello Bob ...

Hope all is well up there in the cold Northeast. Here in Alabama, it depends on the day you ask. Today we were in the 60s ... the tempo tomorrow is supposed to be in the ow 40s with a low in the mid 20s. Next week ... 50s and 60s!

Glad you liked the song. I appreciate the listen and kind words. As far as having a "great ear for music", everything I do is by ear. I do not read music and have no formal training on music whatsoever. I create music using an old adage: if it walks like a duck, quacks like duck, it's probably a duck. With music, if it sounds right, no matter how I got there, I guess it's right. Anyway, that how I come up with songs.

Many thanks, my friend! Wishing you everything good ...


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