Graham, Tune Monger Thanks for checking out the song.

Ray thanks for checking out the song. Yes I there were a few dissonant areas. These are two completely different tracks and I don't ever play anything the same way twice (memory thing) lol. I tried to blend the two tracks with volume changes to see how well they would sit together. Glad you like the song.

Alan thanks for taking the time to check out the song. Glad you liked the song. I am growing on this 335> I find it a little bigger that I am use to it. Almost switched it out for a 339 but it sounds very good live. Hard to let go.

Thanks Janice and Bud. Glad you liked the song.

Thanks Bob for the awesome comments they are appreciated.

Thanks Robert. Playing the slide everyday trying to get a handle on it. Very different but easier on the hands.

Thanks Torrey Glad you liked the song. Yes finding it difficult to come up with new material. Strange I play everyday and very once and awhile one just pops up I am able to run with it.

Thanks Janne Glad you liked the song.

Thanks Vicarn for checking out the song it is appreciated.

Thanks Mario Glad you like the song. Been really enjoying your pieces as well.

Thanks Mike Glad you liked the song.

Scott Collingwood