Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
I hope that folks around the world who take a cavalier attitude toward this realize that even if they are not in a high risk category they can be responsible for passing it on to a friend, family member or stranger who is at serious risk.

My wife and friends will tell you that I joke all the time about nearly everything but I have to admit that I can conjure up no humor regarding this situation.

Be well,


This post is so much on the point... it is the biggest problem we have in Europe right now.. people (especially young men) having disrespect for rules about social distancing.

And to the guy who are using South Korea as an example... please inform yourself better before writing... most of the initial cases in South Korea was in a religious sect with a huge following from young people, so you cannot use it as an example of how the virus will behave in other countries.
