I think it is vital to ensure you have the audio interface and everything plugged into it turned on when doing a Windows Update. Not only Audio interfaces but other stuff that requires the updates to update drivers.

I would when doing an update ensure my midi controller is also plugged in. When I had a printer connected directly to the PC I also ensured it was plugged in and turned on.

I have had issues some years back but only if I left stuff off. On my main PC I have a Rolland Quadcapture. Off memory I lost it once and deleted the driver and it came back no worries.

That has been my experience.

HP i7-4770 16GB 1TB SSD, Win 10 Home,
Focusrite 2i2 3rd Gen, Launchkey 61, Maton CW80, Telecaster, Ovation Elite TX, Yamaha Pacifica 612
BB 2022(912) RB 2022(2), CakeWalk, Reaper 6, Audacity, Melodyne 5 Editor, Izotope Music Production Suite 4.1