Appreciate your data and statistics. You have no way of knowing how accurate the statistics you are relying on are? They did not do a lot of testing back then as you well know how much trouble they are having now with testing, only hospital cases. Many people had SSARS and H1N1 and did not get tested or documented. I don't believe statistics anymore as they are only as good and as accurate as the input and have proved in the last two elections to be totally inaccurate. In my song I'm just saying the press did not hype up the panic back then with either of these two flu's and small businesses did not shut down, nor did people quarantine. This is a fact.

However, songs are just songs and they are specifically that person's individual reflection on what's happening at the time according to that person's take on it. We all see the world in different ways. You could argue with many songs of the past as to how accurate or not or was it the artist's interpretation of what was happening.

Does a song have to be politically correct or statistically accurate? I hope not because all creativity is out the window and we're then living in a communist environment which dictates that all our creativity has to comply with what the state tells us we can or cannot say.

I am not writing a historical documentary, even different news channels state different statistics from day to day and medical doctors disagree with each other as to how serious this is.

This is a song, it's my interpretation and my right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression. It's not meant to challenge you or anyone else's take on the world, but neither is it anyone else's right to try to define what I should write, think or feel. You don't have to like it and you don't have to agree.

Last edited by Belladonna; 03/22/20 03:31 PM.