Many of us here use the Focusrite offerings.
They are good quality, reliable and stable (and work in PGMusic products).

I have used multiple Focusrite devices on multiple W10 machines without issue, from the 2i2 to the 18i20. We have 2 of the 18i20's in daily use now and the 2i2 is a 'floater' (in reserve and available when needed).
Obviously the 2i2 puts less load on the system, so it is the most light weight solution, but consider your needs and resources.

If your machine has a decent USB driver any of their products should work, so select the one you need.
The only drawback of the 2i2 is it has no software mixer. All the other higher level models seem to.
It may make a difference in your workflow, or maybe not.
I have no idea if that was a feature you liked about your previous (now returned) interface.

As far as MIDI; the 2i2 does not have a MIDI connector, but most other models do. Again, another thing to consider with your purchase.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome