Originally Posted By: David - PG Music
it really helped clarify why I always mess up when singing along to Chiquitita.

Prog metal and ABBA...are we twins? I think ABBA is SO underrated as a band.

Thanks for posting the video!

By the way, not exactly the chorus; but as close as you can get without being the chorus. I was just learning how to drum and the measure of 2/4 with a triplet in it has this guy totally confused as to what was going on. I sat and counted, and counted...then learned you can change time signatures in a song. Big "WOW!" moment.


I have no idea why it's not showing it. Maybe because I put a specific time to start at?

Last edited by HearToLearn; 04/01/20 03:21 PM.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.