First off, GREAT JOB! I like this song A LOT! I know people on the forum will mention they could see this in a movie for various songs. I feel like a movie should be written just so we can put this song in it! smile

You all made something that sounds so good. Nice to have Tom on a project again!

What's better than Janice singing? More than 1 Janice singing! Great job. At times more duet-ish than just harmony. I loved that!

Bud-I give you credit for NOT having an ego that leads having to put something in. I've worked with bands where the guitarist would say "but I didn't get a solo." Pretty much anything ego driven. Your non-desperation is very appealing. smile

The soloists and interplay between the soloists were really well done.

Thanks for sharing this song. Very enjoyable to hear! smile

Last edited by HearToLearn; 04/14/20 12:49 PM.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.