sorry but no - realtracks are audio recordings of real musicians. your melody is a midi track so if the midi instrument you choose doesn't sound good it's not possible to replace with a real instument. but don't lose hope yet. the quality of your midi sound depends on the soft synth you are using - it's a pc program trying to recreate the sound of a real instument.

what are you using at the moment? if it's the built-in synth on your pc it will sound pretty bad. the coyote soft synth you got with BIAB will sound better.

forte dxi is available from PG Music and will sound even better. But see Peter Gannon's sticky post above 'no brainer' in the recording and mixing forum and you'll see how to get the TTS-1 soft synth for free. i use that and as part of a mix the instruments sound ok to me.

however, you already have sforzando as well - it's a 'player' that accesses high Q patches in BIAB and RB which sound better than bog standard midi - details in the manual. you have to choose a specific synth for a track before you can use it but it should appear as a vst plugin when you select a plugin for your melody track. (Forgive me I do it a lot in RB but not in BIAB)

it has several guitars keyboards, strings and a flute that might sound better as midi instruments than what you are using.

and don't forget there are commands to humanise your melody which will stop it sounding 'stiff' and mechanical.

feel free to come back on what synth you are using and the instument you want for your melody. there are lots of free vst instruments that will load in sofrzando and some are excellent based on sampled real instruments

and by the way, the melodist would create a midi track - not use a realtrack instrument

Last edited by Bob Calver; 04/24/20 08:58 AM.