Just to be clear: The tracks, in this scenario get sent/assigned to 2 places. A. They get sent/assigned to the main L/R buss like they already are. That's the dry signal rharv mentioned. B. They get sent/assigned to your aux/reverb buss (aux buss with your reverb plugin on it). That aux/reverb buss now gets sent/assigned to the main L/R buss. You then blend in the reverb by adjusting the level of the aux/reverb buss. That's why the reverb plugin itself can be at 100%.
In most DAWs that I've used the send from the instrument track has an adjustable value. So, not every instrument gets the same amount of reverb. But for starters you will probably set this at unity or zero (not + or -). Most often, for me, they all go negative, below unity.

Does the noise in your head bother me ?