If you use a DAW (Real Band or other) you may find Mario’s suggestion useful.

Jim Fogle provided a great explanation of how to manipulate the F5 key feature in biab. That’s how to get it done. I’ve just found it clunky when I change my mind.

biab will mark the bar you made changes (volume, tempo, etc)
its difficult if not impossible to know from inspection at chord chart level exactly what is going on at that particular red underlined bar. I hope this makes sense.

Automation within a DAW allows not only a good place to compartmentalize all these changes, but often allows quick visual inspection of the work performed on the instrument in question.

Now all my arrangements in BIAB are imported into my DAW with every instrument playing every bar flat with no volume/pan/mute/eq or reverb changes. It may sound like cacophony when you hear it in biab, but with a little eq, pan, and volume automation it comes right into focus. It’s easy to change your mind at this stage.

Logic Pro X