Charlie Fogle wrote,

"I think it's unlikely you nor your peers you phoned have ever written a song while in high school and later recorded it onto an album that didn't sell 500 copies yet 42 years later a producer cold called and purchased the rights to include that song in a documentary. Virtually impossible but that's what happened to me. That company also got the song included into the sound track of a movie, which is something I could never accomplish on my own. The song just wasn't included in the sound track but was also the focus of a scene in the movie"
Very interesting thread and I guess Harold your brother was right about you only having to to get it right once, in your case. Leaving the money part of it aside, I'm sure that otherwise you get as much satisfaction on knowing 42 years later that, the song had finally made it.

Last edited by axeplayer; 05/30/20 07:20 AM.