I know this is probably not very helpful but, recording bass guitar cleanly without distortion, finger noise, inconsistencies, volume bumps and dips, well, it's not easy. Whether I played them, I recorded someone else playing them or Real Tracks.
Years ago when using ADAT I would plug the P or J bass into 2 Compressors in series. Both set rather low ratio and such. Like 3:1 and 3:1 and plug that into the console for 3 or 4 band EQ with mid Q control. Even then I remember re-amping the track/s through a Compressor and a little Peavey bass amp I had.
The last re-amp Compressor was a Focusrite Green 5 vocal channel strip type. I would tweek the downward expansion to try and rid a lot of the noise. In the end I was always trying to compromise between fixing it and not making it sound horrible on its own. But it usually worked in the mix some how.
So, I can see how the Real Track artists have left behind some work to be done for those that are bothered by it.
Now-a-days I often leave the Real Bass as is or create or use midi bass tracks.

Does the noise in your head bother me ?