Hi, I'm trying to improve my guitar playing by learning theory and sight reading. Does anyone know if it's appropriate to beam two semiquavers together in x/4 time? (Aka when the beat is a crotchet. I'm in 3/4 time to be specific.) I know you should beam them when they make up one whole beat or one whole group (or bar subdivision) with other semiquavers or quavers, but I'm not sure if there are any other scenarios in which they should be beamed and the book isn't that clear.

The bar goes like this (in 3/4): dotted crotchet, semiquaver, semiquaver, crotchet.

So the semiquavers only last a half beat together, not a full beat, and there aren't any adjacent notes that can be beamed. But the semiquavers just look like they should be beamed! What's correct here?