Hi everyone!

Wow! This is such a terrific listen.

I've just been working on song lyrics that seem to have a million and one words to fit to melody. For this reason, when I listened to this song, my very first thought was how amazing lyric brevity is. To be able to say what is needed in the minimum number of syllables possible is an incredible skill. And it's breathtakingly effective.

Janice, I love this melody. The way that it flows against the song's harmony and arrangement is a perfect fit. You singing it, is the proverbial cream to the music's coffee. So easy on the ears and such a pleasure to listen to.

Peter and Leon, you've done a fine job creating this. Every where I look or listen, talent shines. The supporting chord progression is inventive and because it is a little outside the usual expectations, it made me sit up and pay attention. I like it!

Bud, thanks for putting the polish on a fine work.

So... all in all... I really enjoyed where this song took me.

All the best,

Audiophile BIAB 2024