Originally Posted By: EdZ314
Robert, Scott - This is excellent. It's great to hear people going for something original and different, especially when it works, and this really does. The vibe is super smooth and has a bit of a haunting element to it. I think you're really onto something here - a distinctive sound, and it's really easy on the ears. Great vocals, really sweet guitar work.

Thanks Ed for the awesome comments. Robert and I really try to come up with original content on each some we work on together. Love exploring the different sounds and tones. Really enjoy Roberts lyrics. Such imagination and seems to express his lyrics perfectly with his vocals.

Originally Posted By: cubanpete
Well Scott, impressive production here, lots of stuff going on and all fitted very well.
Enjoyed it a lot.

Mike B.

Thanks Mike for checking out the song. Really appreciate your comments.

Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
Cool psychedelic tune!! VERY Spirit Level!! You two create a great vibe....Robert's vocals and trippy lyrics with Scott's sweet licks!! NICE!! Take care. Greg

Scott Collingwood