Just to follow up, I toyed around with this last night. I had some success creating a video and porting it to my iphone using VLC, which has a pretty nice feature on the app to transfer from a desktop to the app. I just need to play with the settings to find a good looking video sized well for both the iphone and ipad. I'm suspicious I'll need to create two different videos to find a view that looks decent for both, but I may find a setting that works on one.

I don't know if VLC is the best long term solution, but it works for now. I'll keep searching for better options on this front.

I'll be glad to post what I learn to help somebody else down the road. If anybody else has any suggestions, I'd welcome them. Thanks for the help.

I'm trying to strike a balance between how much time I spend learning and working the software vs time spent on the music. It's a delicate balance indeed!