Well, harmony-wise, realtracks have a better piano than Midi styles, but, as for the bass part?

For bread and butter and camp fire chords, all is well... but for modern jazz harmony (starting with Ellington, Trane, Shorter, Hancock...) there is a lot left to be desired, stuff that Roland and Yamaha have been covering for years.

I understand that some people don’t get the harmonic mistakes. There are some good books by Mark Levine, Jerry Coker, David Baker, that can help shed a light on what sounds good. Though these scholars/musicians tend to have diverging opinions, they all agree on the more common modern chords, like phrygian, sus-chords, altered, 13b9. Some musicians never use these harmonic principles. They love a natural 9 on a susb9, play mixolydian over altered! We call them -lovingly- “The Ones that Never get Called for a gig, or called back after a gigsmile

Have fun!

Check it out. Dig the screeching harmonic clashes between piano and bass!

Biab, Kontakt, Sampletank and lots of nice libraries, from Fluffy audio to Abbey Road drums.
Check out these great contemporary Jazz Styles: www.jazzstylezz.com