Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Yeah! Great groove. Good vocal, nice solo.

Starting from 3:30 to the end of the song .... loved it! Ending seems a bit abrupt, I wonder if you could extend that last chord so it dies out naturally?
But yeah, good song, Hans.

Hi Dave, thanks very much for your comment! And yes, the end was a bit too quick. I tried to enlarge it a bit in the Daw, but that was no succes (too artificial). And it took me quite a while getting the leadguitar doing what I want on the solopart. I am afraid by enlarging all I also have to render everything. reslut of that; no more this kind of solo. But I continue searching for a proper solution.

Originally Posted By: floyd jane
A terrific Rockin' sound. The overall mix is really good - creating an excellent groove. The synth stabs are an excellent addition at the right time to add interest. Drums sound good. Loved that bass interlude. Cool guitar solos (maybe a little loud).
A good, interesting write.

The vocal is quite piercing. The vocal itself is really good - well sung with good enthusiasm, energy, clarity. A good level performance. By "piercing", I mean there is much more high-EQ than it needs. I believe you could roll off the high EQ completely above about 2k (maybe even farther than that - 1k?) and it would STILL be a very clear vocal, but would then have some "warmth" that would let it sit in the mix better. Other than these comments about the vocal EQ, I think this is one of your best arrangement/productions/songs...
A cool song.


Hi Floyd, thanks also for your nice comment! I am happy with it, and with your EQ-comment. I must admit this is my weakest point. You have mentioned that more often on my songs. Misha and I had some discussions on this matter as well.
The thing is I don't get it how it happens. When recording the vocals the sound stays good, but somewhere while mixing that sibilance occurs. DS plugins don't work good enough. I even use a DS during mastering. I do drop down the EQ on the vocals, but maybe not too drastically. I am pretty sure the headroom and the bandwith is playing a role in this issue, don't you? But thanks a lot. Keeps me learning...

Stay save both,

Hans Berkhout