personally - and i stress this is a personal opinion - i'd record without fx. i know some guitarists like to play to the fx - like delay but if you record with fx that's what you get and you are stuck with it. some of the guitar Real Tracks have a di version and you might like to experiment with the di track and amplitube to see what you can get from a simple straight input. you can vary the drive from slightly dirty to screaming lead. you can add delay and change the repeats and timing to suit the song. add chorus and play around with the settings. and its non destructive - tomorrow you can tweak it if you've had second thoughts.

in the dim and distant days when i used pro studios, the feeling was that a guitarist might like to record the drive/overdrive sound of a pedal or processor or rack to get 'their sound', but add time based fx on the desk.

it's purely a preference and i can see why you might want to hear overdrive when you play to play to the sustain you get but even then i'd find it easier to use a pedal like a tube screamer to set the drive and distortion i like (my favorite is an Ibanez Mostortion i bought years ago) as twiddling physical knobs to get the sound I want is easier than manipulating digital fx with a mouse.