I tended to record in Sonar and had it set to record flat (without effects) however it still had effects on it whilst playing I prefer to hear guitar that way. Only the recording did not have the effects. Similar can be done in Reaper by setting up the recording point on the way into the track (before effects) rather than out (after effects). That allowed me to add effects later including what Amp Sim I wanted. For example use TH3 on the way in then maybe Guitar Rig on the final product.

Understand however having effects turned on can increase latency so don’t have too much going on at the same time. I.E. don’t have a bunch of MIDI tracks going to synths and something like Ozone of the Master track (you’ll be waiting an age to hear your note)

I don’t know if setting up the record point can be done in RealBand (I don’t use it)

Edit: having another look, Cakewalk records flat even though I have effects on the track so nothing really requires setting.


Last edited by Teunis; 08/14/20 01:09 PM.

HP i7-4770 16GB 1TB SSD, Win 10 Home,
Focusrite 2i2 3rd Gen, Launchkey 61, Maton CW80, Telecaster, Ovation Elite TX, Yamaha Pacifica 612
BB 2022(912) RB 2022(2), CakeWalk, Reaper 6, Audacity, Melodyne 5 Editor, Izotope Music Production Suite 4.1