it beats me too. I am pretty confident there is an army of young coders that are hungry for work/gig that can do the tedious work, and whoever is at the steering wheel could supervise.

Plugin surely making progress, and will be used by many... in time. However plugin is just a shell, inviting a pretty big piece of software (BIAB) into a DAW. It is not your "single instrument" VST smile For the most part, BIAB standalone is my tool of choice which I would like to see taken a few big steps higher before I lose remaining voice and hair.

I believe there are some efficiency issues preventing many good things from happening at faster pace. Simple example of this, downloadable upgrades. Sure, first time buyers might find 120gb download unacceptable, but most people who "upgrade", even audiophile, can download only missing bits. I am only guessing how many work hours, energy and postage can be saved just by doing that, which could be invested in development...

One more example. Many people, even veterans are confused about all the packages PG has to offer. Why not make a built-in checker, right in BIAB to see what you have...and what you could have (with previews!)? Eliminating confusion, saving work hours(!), and which will most likely translate in boosting sales?

These are just basic examples that sit on top that can help to allocate more resources to development, not sacrificing anything sensitive.

For the most part, folks here are fiends of music and friends of this wonderful software, maybe in our passive way we help.