Originally Posted By: floyd jane
A beautiful, melancholy song.
Good arrangement/production. And a good mix.
The drums and bass have good punch.
The strings are a nice addition.

Your vocals sound good.
The harmonies are impressive. What version of Melodyne are you using?
It is surprising how few artifacts there are in the harmony - that is hard to accomplish for a high harmony like this. Well done!!

I agree with Dave - bringing the harmony level down a little and adding a touch more reverb (and perhaps a bit of delay) would be worth a try.

One of your best.

Hi Floyd, thanks for your nice words! They made my week ;-)
I use Melodyne 5 studio Version 5.0.2. I had a free version at first, but for making harmonies it wasn't the good version. Then I got an offer for this version. Not too expensive, although my wife thinks otherwise...
Melodyne is not an easy piece of software. I spend a lot of hours learning it and sometimes had to things all over again. That even happend in this song. But the moment you get a grip on how it works, things get better. Even sibilance issues are more easy to handle (and you know my problem on that). But still I don't know all the posibilities. I hardly do voice corrections, like the tuning in the exact key. I takes away my way of singing. It is more for the harmonies and sibilance. A DS-er makes a whole track 'flatter' on the s-es, while in this program only the bad s-es will be handled. But for harmonies (and much more) I advise to buy the version I have.

I hoped I could add an image in this post, but that is not the case. I have to send that by email I think. Let me know.

Have a nice day,

Hans Berkhout