I'm using ScanSCore. Mostly only melody, sometimes with harmony or even 2 harmony systems.For me, it works good enough. Input is scanner or PDF. I export music xml, then import to EasyABC (an abc notation tool, free, a litte tricky to install). There I do the fine work. It has a good export function (midi, pdf, xml).
I don't remember the last time I exported direct to midi, so I can't really say something to this feature. I'm using Version 2.5.3

maybe this helps a little

BIAB 2023 UltraPlusPAK, Cubase 12, Ethno , SC8850, MU80, QUASAR, Win 10 (64), U-PHORIA UMC 1820, Halion 7, Wavelab 11 Elements, Dorico 5 Elements,