Originally Posted By: sslechta
When I've collaborated online with other people with audio tracks, I tend to use Google Drive. Some folks also use Drop Box or other online storage sites to share files. I've not really used cloud storage options in a DAW because not everyone you work with will have that DAW. I will either post .WAV or .MP3 files (of individual tracks or the whole mix) to Google Drive from my DAW as most folks can play those.

Hi Steve,

I also use Dropbox a lot. One person I collaborate with uses Reaper so I have that DAW also.

But none of this is what I am talking about. The DAW situation I am looking for exist on a server somewhere. I don't own it, the other people who are collaborating with me don't own it. Anyone needing to see and hear what I put in the DAW can log on and see and use the DAW with downloading anything.

It's sort of like youtube, hey Steve go look at XYZ on youtube only it is a fully functioning DAW. Several people can be working in the DAW at the same time in near real time. There is a chat box to communicate in real time.


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo