I just did some reading. It does NOT "link to Zoom". It has video conferencing capability built in which I suppose you could say is "Zoom-like". I can't imagine Zoom allowing anybody to use their code without charging an exorbitant fee which would likely make it prohibitive for anybody to do. I also think, and I don't know because I have not and will not test this, that using the word collaboration here is misleading. That seems to give an image that the drummer in New York can play along with the bass player in Texas and the guitar player in Washington in real time, and we all know that simply can't happen. I think that perhaps the "collaborative" aspect of this is that people are connected in real time to monitor as side players add their piece and they have immediate feedback from whoever the session master might be. So they play, you say "You have another take in you, maybe try a little brighter tone?"

I am interested in knowing how the experiment turns out too.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.