Originally Posted By: MusicStudent
Much of this is proprietary info which PGMusic has not shared details. But, I think you are assuming BIAB is smarter than it is. All RTs are recordings performed in a style, described by the title of the realtrack used and at a tempo which is set within a range of +/- ~20 bpm around what was recorded and then adjusted using tempo stretching to the tempo you select. Same for pitch. The pitch is based on the nearest match to what was recorded and then pitch-shifted to the key you select. If you change tempo or key BIAB will repeat the process during the regeneration to match the new setting. There is no ability to select chord voicings. That is my best guess... smile

What a great question... I have often wondered how BIAB deals with RT guitar transpositions.

Win-11; BiaB-2024-latest Beta;
Cakewalk; Melodyne-5; Scaler 2; NI Komplete:
Focusrite Scarlett 18i20