I'd like to clear up a misconception here. ASIO version 1 did not support multiple applications, ASIO 2 and 3 does. I've noticed that BB does not allow other applications to use the ASIO drivers, therefore I must assume that it is not ASIO 2 compliant. The reason I have reached this conclusion is because I can open BB first and it will use the ASIO drivers, but if I then open Sonar or Cubase, neither of those apps can use the ASIO drivers. same for the other way around. if I open Sonar or Cubase first, BB cannot use the ASIO drivers. HOWEVER, Sonar and Cubase open DOES allow use of the ASIO drivers at the same time!

ref: http://www.harmony-central.com/Events/WNAMM99/Steinberg/ASIO-2.0.html
note specifically the heading: ASIO 2.0 Shares Hardware with other ASIO 2.0 Applications.

What ASIO does NOT allow, however is the use of 2 or more soundcards at the same time - unless they are designed to work as ONE card such as the M-audio delta series cards are.

This is completely verifiable by testing with programs which DO comply to the ASIO2 protocol. as long as you have 2 programs which BOTH comply with ASIO2 or above, then they can BOTH access the soundcard drivers. Sonar and Cubase are both ASIO2 compliant. I can open both programs and either program can access the soundcard. BB will not, however, share the ASIO drivers and therefore I conclude that it is not ASIO2 compliant.

As has been discovered earlier by the OP, however, it's not just about the host programs' compliance to ASIO2 or 3. it's also about the soundcard's drivers. if the drivers are not written to ASIO2 or 3 compliance for the soundcard you're using, then you will also still have the problem with not being able to use multiple programs with ASIO driver mode.