Hi Muso,

I have about 100 vst's on this system. 500 gigs of software. I am normally not using a lot of plugins. I have a UPS on this computer. There is nothing I can tell about the timing of the power outages and the computer issue. It is not hard to predict the future if the past is any indication...more of everything...lol The software just gets bigger every year.

I have no reason to complain about the current machine. I built it somewhere around 2008. Replaced the processor and motherboard about five years ago. Nothing last forever.

I got a Dell refurb last year to run a CNC program for my milling machine. It has been OK.

I got a HP Laptop for my wife with an AMD ryzen. Worst POC I ever bought. That is the second AMD processor I have owned and likely the last. Even after I reimaged and got rid of all the HP bloatware and installed a SSD it is still pretty slow.

It is less of an issue to build a vocal isolation booth than try to deal with the computer noise. I keep the guitar amps in the garage. Some of this is not being used at the moment because of Covid-19.

I also build high quality tube guitar amps.

It is next to impossible to to figure out what is going with a piece of electronics without logging on to the machine.

When I posted the parts list I was just looking for general information.

My lawyers wife is a Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert. Problem is she works about six zillion hours a week...lol I have another really good friend who also is a CCIE. I always get a lesion in Mandarin everytime I talk to Wayne...lol

Over the years I have found it is better to find and fix my own mistakes than try to fix someone else's screw ups. Owning boats and airplanes will make you think like that.



New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo