first I assume you're not singing an E chord.... maybe just the E note? Very few people can sing two notes together let alone 3. (Joke)

I'm not a big theory guy but .... when you sing an E against the G#m chord, you actually end up with the E7 major chord. I don't see how that would be a clash.

I listened to the first part of the song and hear what you are hearing. It could be that your voice is not exactly on pitch. I played the "find your path" notes on the piano while playing the G#m and it works perfectly. However, yep... it does sound uncomfortable in the song with you singing it. So.... maybe try dropping the Path note to D# and see if that works. That one note is not going to alter the melody in any significant way. In fact, it will improve the melody because it resolves the melody. Why it sounds uncomfortable is simply because it's not resolved and we expect resolution in predictable places in our music. Change the note and see if that doesn't work and sound better.

What's also interesting to note is that if you play the melody BELOW the chord on the keys, it sounds good. HOWEVER, if you reverse that and play the chord lower and the melody higher above it.... yep it sounds uncomfortable. The same exact notes.

Sometimes you just have to find a different melody if things are not working like you planned.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.