Hi Eddie,

Three computers need to be on the internet and two do not. I assumed I would need another router or a switch perhaps. The three that need to be on the internet also need to be on the LAN.

As I think about all this, it may not be logical to have the computers I want to keep off the internet connected to the LAN in the first place.

What I am really trying to do is control all information going to my new music computer and one of my Laptops which stores all the information related to the cattle on the ranch.

I don't want windows updating anything until I tell it too. I especially don't want any advertising popping up while I am recording.

I for sure want to eliminate as many possibilities for getting a virus as I can. I had one virus infect my current machine which required formatting the drive to get rid of.
It is possible that if I would have taken that computer to a virus expert the virus could have been removed. Who knows. Nothing was really lost because I had remote data backup and the virus was not on the backup drive. Just a lot of hours to reload the software.

The new computer parts should start to arrive next week. I need to see if the the new water cooler I have here will fit with the RAM I bought and what the height will be to see what case to buy. Then I will order a case and then I will order a power supply that will fit the case.

PCpartpicker does not have enough information in its database to assure everything will fit.



New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo