I think because it was released originally still in Lemon Mode it has frustrated and lost a lot of new DAW users that thought, as you would, that it would be something really great.
It has now come along way since then but are all those users now lost for good ?
Would it have been better to develop it professionally first in the beta forum ? YES
If it was this year that it was publicly released how it is now, would it of made a lot bigger impact ? YES
So was it more profitable to do it how it was done or should it have been developed it into a RealPlugin first ?
Has the name been dirtied too much to win back users or is it too late ?
Going off half-cocked ? YES

I think it hurt me more than anyone else.

I have posted some ideas on how to make it a lot better, so when I'm not around they will have all that info, but I don't know if it will be allowed to be done or put off for years down the track ? As it was one hell of a fight just to get solo/mute buttons.
I suggested that in the RapidComposer beta forum and it was added a few days later. True Story.