Right - build 325 is the latest build for 2019.

Sorry, I meant to say "Finder", not "Explorer" - that's a Windows thing.

M_JPLMSW.STY uses JazzLewisSwing^01 for the Drums part - you can see that by looking at the Mixer. "JazzLewisSwing^ is the main RealDrums style, and the "01..." part tells you that it is variation one. The caret (^) symbol tells you that this RD style has multiple variations.

If you look in the Drums folder, you will find JazzLewisSwing^ folder - this is the main folder for JazzLewisSwing drums. Open this folder, and you'll see additional subfolders for each of the variations... ^01 through ^06. Each of those subfolders has different text files for the various tempos that have a dedicated recording. This is a swing8th style. One way to tell is from the RealDrums Picker. Also, swing 16th styles tend to have Sw16 in the name. If you open up one of the text files, the parameter that needs to be changed is pushamount8, which should be 40. This was an error in some of the text files.

This turns out to be a somewhat complicated one to fix since it has multiple tempos and variations. Many would just have one text file. Here are the fixed files. Copy/Merge then into the JazzLewisSwing^ folder.

PG Music Inc.