Thanks Andrew. It works now. I can now go out to another browser tab to get either the link or the text description without loosing the current popup.

If I have already typed the description before I click the link button what I have trained myself to do is this. 1/ click the link button just before the text I want for the link. 2/ go get the link and put it in the popup. 3/ click okay to go to the description popup. 4/ enter "XX" or anything short. 5/ Click Okay. 6/ Copy and paste the text I want into where the XX appears in the HTML code then remove the XX. This is almost as fast as Gmail (maybe all email programs) where I can first highlight the text, press ctrl+K, get both text boxes in one screen with the text popup already filled out.

Is the second part of my wish too difficult? Specifically having the PG-Music Forum Post number appear as a link that one can click on to execute a java-script function to have it and the full URL copied into the clipboard. I think a good user instructional approach would be to show a popup that has a text box showing the full URL as well as a button labeled "Copy link/URL to the clipboard". This would save a fair bit of work. It might be worth adding a small help text such as "This URL can be used in another post link to direct users to this post. To create such as link click the link button and follow the instructions.

As an aside. In Google Chrome I had to press ctrl+F5 to get the new popup. For anyone with the time and interest this is an excellent web page on browser hard & normal reload.

Last edited by bowlesj; 01/08/21 01:54 AM.

John Bowles
My playing in my 20s: