Hello BIABman,

Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and comment.
I am really glad you like this tune.
And many thanks for your interest in the process of making this song.
I would like to explain briefly.

I'm using Cubase as my DAW.
First, I typed all the chord progressions including the intro and ending into BAIB and chose the style.
This time I use _TREPID1.STY (Trepid Simple Symph Jazz Ballad).
And then I export all tracks individually in WAV and load them into Cubase.
Composing string parts, and programing them by MIDI, and I played them in VST instruments which are EastWest Symphonic Orchestra.
After mix down, I completed the sound source of all parts except vocals.
I sent the WAV file of it to Tom(Tano Music) over the net.
He recorded a vocal track listening to it, and he sent the WAV file of the vocal track back to me.
After that, I added the vocal track to the above Cubase file, and mixed them again, and I completed this song.
I think it took about one week to complete the entire process, including arrangements and online exchanges.

I thank Tom a lot for collaborating with me.
I am very encouraged by your kind words.

Best regards.

Shigeki Adachi