Hi J&B, Peter and Leon,

This is astonishingly good!

I've liked everything you've ever done, but this is way ahead of anything else.
Apart from the fact that it's a fabulous song, the arrangement is just SO clever.
The groove is right there from the start and then just when I expected the voice
to come in on the tonic, it comes in on the fourth - beautiful. And then it's got that
super break-down on the pre-chorus. I haven't seen a pre-chorus since the 90s, when it
seemed obligatory and this one fitted the mood perfectly. And the ending - icing on the cake.

Wonderful heartfelt vocals Janice, dripping with emotion and probably the best I've
heard from you to date. The harmonies were just exceptional and timed to perfection.
Brought me out in goose bumps again.

Peter - again, the best I've heard you play. Very delicate, with some phrasing which
I've not heard you use before. Great tone and a restrained performance which was exactly
right for this track.

Bud - what can I say about the engineering, other than the mix is professional in every way.

This is one which I'm going to be playing a lot.