What an amazing song. I absolutely LOVE music that creates a mood. I've probably mentioned that a few times now. smile
Anyway, you always seem to be able to catch my ear and bring me to a place where I know the feeling of what's happening without a single world being used. THAT is what blows my mind. FEELING in music is pretty much everything to me. I completely forget the tools you are using and just listen to something that speaks to my soul. You consistently bring that to your songs. This song being one that really showcases that.

Thank you for having some fun with the mix and and chord choices. You did both in a way that I think any musician would give you a tip of the hat to. Not weird; but VERY interesting can be hard to pull off. You made this seem like child's play. I know that I could not pull what you did off.

Thanks for sharing this. I will be listening to this a good number of times in my life, so I thank you for that gift. It's fun to be inspired!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.