more chorus "quirks" that bug me in bb.
(feel free to tell me if i'm missing something. i'm prepared to look stoopid lol.)
1. lets say i have a song with 2 choruses, and in chorus 2 at bar 11 i want a different chord than chorus 1 bar 11, any new chord entry i make in chorus 2 bar 11 ALSO is reflected in chorus 1 bar 11. WHICH I DONT WANT. i only want the chord change in chorus 2 bar 11. NOT IN CHORUS 1 bar 11.
(yes i realise i can do the "unfold trick" to make changes. sigh. and YES ive been futzing around with F5 to no avail.)
2. what is the point of haveing a max 40 choruses in bb ?
if unfolding it would be huge. would it not ?
its enough just dealing with a few choruses, let alone 40 !
can someone please enlighten me via a song case study where i might use 40 choruses, particularly given point 1.
whereby a bar chord change in one chorus impacts others ?
OR am i missing something ?.
3. when i'm in various choruses, as well as knowing the current bar no being played in that chorus,(per currently.) it might be nice to know how many bars have elapsed total since beginning of song bar 1 chorus 1.
for example lets say i'm in chorus 10 bar 11, i have to figure out manually total bars since bar 1 chorus 1.
see what i mean ?

maybe i'm stoopid muso.
(but i have a worthless advanced degree lol.)

Last edited by justanoldmuso; 01/18/21 02:40 PM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)