Hi again.

In the original post, I simplified the question to just involve what I see and experience when importing the melody into a new song. My issues/questions 1,2 and 3 can be referenced right from that simple scenario I believe.

Items 1, 2 and 3 are what I see that I don't understand. I do get about needing chords to realize a whole song. That part is not a mystery to me.


"RT's can not play your midi melody. BIAB will overwrite many of the tracks unless the track is frozen. In fact each track has it own set or rules for when it is free to be overwritten."

This is info for me to investigate. Especially "RT's can not play your midi melody.". That is completely contrary to the expectation I had formed in my mind, which may be completely incorrect!!

I will read more about RealTracks (RTs). I definitely did not know that RTs can't play back a Melody. Can RTs playback a Soloist? Offhand, I would not expect a difference.

Is it a matter of "RTs can only play info that was originally generated inside BIAB?"

BIAB for Windows 2023 (1006)