Hi, Duane.

Your songs are top of the line. Seriously good.

Saying anything past that seems superfluous.

But... I noticed that you have three songs on the front page today - two of which are new.

Out of fairness to others on the forum, it's probably best to put stagger your songs, so it gives other people a chance to share the front page.

I also noticed you've posted 15 different songs since you've joined.

That's a lot of really good music.

But... in all your posts, I've only seen two that were comments on other people's songs.

While there's no formal rule saying that you need to engage with the community, it would nice to reciprocate.

Thanks for posting! smile

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?