Thank you, Peter. I am very pleased to hear that.

From what Jareth wrote, I think multistyles may be the best way to achieve this, to make BIAB the preferred tool for writing modern pop music. A good set of contemporary pop multistyles that sound like the chart pop songs on my list would be worth buying. Especially if there were good tutorial videos on how to get the best from them in BIAB.

I think you are right to focus on the melodic/chord progression based songs because this is what BIAB does so well in its existing well-developed styles. My song list was intended to demonstrate that the musical content of these modern pop songs - chords, melody, structure - is very similar to older pop songs that we all know and love. All that's different is the style - and the production standards required in the industry today to get your songs listened to. It's not like the old days, when you could send a publisher cassettes recorded on a 4 track recorder.