Last year's major fail was politicizing mask wearing. Estimates are as many as 80% of the dead would still be alive had masks been promoted early on as essential.

This year's fail has been, in my humble opinion, not clearly explaining the vaccine! I trust the vaccine 100% and will get it ASAP! But it is important to understand the vaccine. It does NOT give you immunity to COVID-19. Instead, it simply prepares your body to be able to fight it off very effectively. A vaccinated person can still get COVID-19 but the vaccine will keep you out of the hospital and keep you alive. I wish they would promote it as something that tames COVID rather than something that prevents it!

Furthermore, a fully vaccinated person can spread COVID-19 to others who are not vaccinated! So even though I have had my vaccination and know I am relatively safe from a bad case of COVID, if I decide I don't need to wear my mask I can still kill others who are not vaccinated!

That is why we must continue wearing our mask even though we have been vaccinated.