Here in Victoria there are a lot of rules in place. Masks are 100% required in public buildings, and you'll get given a disposable mask or will be removed from the store if you don't have one, and can potentially be fined! Stores and other public buildings are limited to certain numbers of people, and many shops have one-way aisles so as to maximize distance. Our government has written some laws revolving around working from home IIRC, trying to get as many people to avoid going to work if possible, and they've given precedence of any vaccines to health care workers, front line shop workers (grocery and food workers), and people over 70.

It's not all good though - schools as usual are being ignored. There are no rules for mask wearing in elementary schools (where my partner teaches), and limited mask use in high school. No rules for handwashing, distance, class size, airflow (in some cases, some classroom windows have been screwed permanently shut!). Our government is pretending like the pandemic doesn't exist for children (which it absolutely does) simply to get kids in schools so parents can work.

Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn
Nope. I mask up ALWAYS when around anyone except my wife. I don't wanna get sick and die early. And I don't wanna kill someone else by spreading the virus to them.

I am amazed and saddened at how inconsiderate and weak so many Americans have become. For eight months the Luftwaffe dropped bombs on London and other cities across Britain. The English had to endure the constant threat of death from the air. But you didn't see any Brits lighting up their houses brightly at night during this period because a blackout might infringe on their freedom!

I can easily tolerate the simple inconvenience of wearing a small mask when I go out!

I fully agree! I hate wearing a mask and not seeing my friends and family, but I do it because I don't want to inadvertently kill someone who's more susceptible to illness than I am. It's a small price to pay for compassion and respect.

I work here