"I think this is going to be great once Utility tracks can do what any other track can do."

But... still I think it is equally important on HOW (workflow) it will be achieved. Because if it is not done right, it will be frustration class 101.

I am trying to push idea of combining 2 menus: Bar settings + Chord menu for pushes, holds (that will facilitate these for U.Tracks. Bar setting is probably one of the most used menus in arrangement. This combining would eliminate many steps and cleaner gui (LeSs separate menus). Since both items (bar settings + chord menu) relate to a specific bar, it makes logical sense to me to open ONE location (F5) for most of settings related to specific bar.

P.S. I believe there was a discussion about condensing some of menus recently. I think this is a perfect opportunity to do that for functions of U.Tracks. Kind of getting two rabbits with one shot.