i'd be happy with that latest bars view which started in powertraks ages ago. always loved it pipeline.
please take a step back my fellow users and think bout these concepts.
a "slide" for example which was in powertraks ages ago.
a slide is better than a push. you can slide a piece of trak in advance or lagging the beat by a percentage. more flexible than a simple push. just hilite the section you want to slide.

now lets talk "regen". just hilite section of trak you want to regen. that latest bars view is a perfect vehicle for that.
(i suspect the clever jeff yankauer of pg thought bars view up originally in powertraks. sorry if i spelt your name wrong jeff.)
just hilite section of trak you want to regen ! voila !

SERIOUSLY. that bars view will accommodate ANY user feature.
(via hiliting and menu selection).
think of this feature possibility. a lead guitar going from left to right in the stereo field. easy to do either by setting a "cel"
with a certain pan value that changes cel by cel.
(this is where we get into the automation realm. later on akin to lots of daws, just draw in the automation for pans/vols.)
patch change for a section of trak or a simple copy and paste. all easy peasy in bars view.

now for the "plug ins" user.
just clik on trak name on left hand side where you can insert plug ins and/or change properties affecting the whole trak like vols/pans/solo/mute/regen whole trak etc etc. set initial patch etc etc.make sense ?
the boxes or cels are for overrides.

please could you add markers for intro/verses/breaks/bridges/outtros to that powertraks/rb bars view pretty please.
also chord names at the top going horizontally.
thus for me perfection.
(sorta like reatrak ?)

(btw are you "aussie" ? lovely beaches/surfing there.
ive always wanted to scuba there. but i bet the undercurrents are fierce.)


Last edited by justanoldmuso; 03/26/21 01:44 AM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)