Welcome. You're new so no big deal with resurrecting a really old post. However, you'd be just fine with a new post asking this question.

So first off... Be sure to check out the support page where there's a lot of videos to take you from the very beginning up through advanced stuff.

I'd suggest that the easiest way is to start a new song project.

There's a feature called the automated chord wizard that examines a wave like you have and figures out the chords and tempo and creates the backing tracks. I've found that it's a bit complicated at times and can be either dead on or frustrating beyond measure in it's accuracy. More than once it was faster to type in the chords.

I guess it depends on if you want to try to use the existing track or if you can record the vox again.

I don't work with midi in BB or RB. So I don't know what to tell you about using midi in it. I've never done that. I'm sure its possible.

I work with midi in my DAW software. Sonar x1 is what I use when I need midi. In Sonar, each midi track is assigned to a synth and the midi out is sent to the synth in. A patch or sample is loaded up in the synth and it will play the midi track data as audio.

In BB, i believe the synth is either coyote or tts by default. I recall playing around with kontakt once and it will work. It's just that I rarely use it to be able to explain it in BB.
Others do use this and I'm sure PG music has a video tutorial in the support page for this.

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 03/26/21 02:59 AM.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.