my opinions.
i think its great that products like audacity exist.
anything that helps people with limited funds get their musical ideas down is wonderfull imho.
when i read all these "daw software debates" on the net i often think to myself "i bet the hitmakers of the past and platinum and gold record record producers and songwriters woulod "still" produce hits if they only had one daw product. eg audacity in this case".
"because thats their brilliance".

the music biz is crazy imho. but ive been around the block enough and interracted with enough people in it way more talented than i , so i know its more than the gear/rigs used.
if audacity was the only brand available i'm 100 per cent sure that the george martin/beatles combo would still produce "brilliance". they would probably be really happy
with not haveing to worry bout limited no of traks.

frankly "for me" , i like their early more raw songs eg on the "with the beatles" album. i like the energy of these early songs.

2. Reaper.
all i can say bout reaper , haveing been a user since 0.99 release is, and i'm not trying to influence anyone away from their current daw "love".
just read the write ups on it by sound on sound mag on their web site, and goodness knows how many other reviews of it. "then" peruse the many helpfull videos at done by grammy winner kenny Gioia . and read the zillions of comments on the web by people whove moved to it from other daw platforms.
(there are also interesting threads along the lines of "can you produce a great record useing only reapers built in plug ins".)
or, if really sceptical go to and ask users there why they moved to reaper.
once again, i believe the martin/beatles combo would still produce hits if reaper was the only software available.

ps. a thread that stunned me this week re apple and daw work. anyone know anything ?


New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)