"Did the fiverr guy you used express any interest in becoming a UserTrack entrepreneur and creating libraries of these for sale?"
He was "for hire", and I am sure he would agree to do a 30 min template or longer User Track. I just do not have the funds to sponsor a few hours of his time. BUT....If there was an interest from 5-10 people who would want a few Indian flute UserTracks that would chip in, it would be totally doable. If you are interested in Indian flute (I think they can play Pop style), find few more people that are willing to chip in and we can try asking. If they are not overbooked, I think they will gladly do it. Some instruments that I would gladly chip in to make UTs are:
Flute (classical / ethnic)
Reggae Guitars / Bass
Sax (even rhythm parts / licks)


"If you are suggesting UserTracks could be created using other virtual instruments I have always viewed that as piracy."
If you are are creating / programming your own content, using "paid for" sounds, I believe it should play well with copyright trolls (dont quote me on this). If somebody plays and records on Gybsoon branded guitar and sells chops, does he pay royalty to Gybsoon brand for using their instrument... that he bought? These days.. I do not know. However It should be totally fine that you can use them (User Tracks)for your "personal" self, creating your music.

Also, there are whole buncha of musicians that create midi style files for pay. Unique / on demand. Intro,chorus,verse, breaks and all that good stuff.

In any case, I am not suggesting that PG catalog should not include Cont.Pop, or modernize picker to sift and sort all kinds of data more effectively, I am just sharing an opinion that there are other options available which have their own benefits and can be integrated in BIAB workflow.